Shining A Light On The Better Days Ahead

Experienced Criminal Defense In Western Colorado

Your constitutional rights only protect you if you actively invoke them. That includes the right to remain silent when questioned by police and the right to consult with legal counsel. If you have been charged with a crime, or are being investigated for a crime, it is extremely important to talk to an attorney as soon as possible.

The Goodbody Law Firm provides the skilled and tenacious criminal defense representation you need, no matter what the charges. Our lawyer is a former public defender with an extensive background in criminal law. We care about the potential punishment you face and will do everything in our power to get the best possible outcome.

Arrested On Criminal Charges?

Maeve Goodbody handles all felony charges, misdemeanor crimes and traffic offenses, including:

  • Driving under the influence (DUI)
  • Reckless driving
  • Driving on a suspended or revoked license
  • Assault charges or domestic violence
  • Sexual assault and other sex offenses
  • Burglary and robbery
  • Weapon offenses
  • Drug possession or trafficking
  • Homicide

We examine every aspect of your case for opportunities to exclude evidence, reduce the charges or challenge the prosecution’s case. We explore alternatives such as diversion programs to keep the offense off your criminal record. If we cannot get the charges dismissed or negotiate a favorable deal, Ms. Goodbody is prepared to fight for you in court. She has taken more than 40 cases to jury trial and has received not guilty verdicts on charges ranging from homicide to sexual assault to DUI.

Grounds For A Criminal Appeal?

If you have been convicted of a crime, you have a guaranteed right to appeal. You must act swiftly to preserve your rights, as the deadlines for filing criminal appeals are strict. If you would like to appeal your conviction to a higher court, contact us right away so that we can advise you of your appellate rights and discuss your possible grounds for appealing your conviction or sentence.

Our firm has experience litigating post-conviction issues, complex motions issues, and criminal appeals. Attention to detail and superb research and writing skills are crucial when pursuing a criminal appeal.

We Are Ready To Help Today

We handle both state and federal criminal charges, representing the accused throughout the Western Slope of Colorado. For an initial consultation with Maeve Goodbody, call our Grand Junction law office immediately at 970-609-9430 or contact us online.